Monday, January 7, 2008


Okay, so in this blog I think I’m going to mainly focus on two things: Crutcher’s lack of creativity and what I think is going to happen in the future.

First off: I’m assuming all you guys have talked to other people in different groups about their books and what its about and all that fun stuff, but have you realized how SIMILAR they all are? Some even use like, the same names! I think that completely shows Crutcher’s lack of creativity. Now I know that we’re supposed to not be criticizing too harshly (Like I’ve been doing in every blog so far) but I really think that the man could have at least come up with different names for the other books, instead have like, a “LION” in every book and stuff! I mean, it’s self-explanatory if the books are sequels to each other, or are all part of one series, but you would think that he could at least dazzle his fans for (whatever reason they’re fans) by choosing more exciting and complex name rather than “LION” “JEFF’ “NORTON” “ELAINE” “WALKER” I mean, granted “Walker” and “Norton” aren’t that common of names, they’re still not exciting!! I mean, I have cousins with names like “Esden, Kaeler, and Brevin” and I really don’t think all authors have to get that weird of names, but really, do you guys not agree that if you began to read a book with the main character’s name being “BOB” it wouldn’t quite as appealing as something like “Keaton” or whatever? It just strikes me as odd that Crutcher could come up with any better names, or any more names, so he just used boring ones throughout all his books.

Second off: What I think is going to happen in the future, and how I hope things would work out if there were a sequel…

One of the first things that I would happen in the sequel if I wrote one would be Walker finally breaking up with Devnee. I don’t think it’s fair to her, and I found it really sad when Walker described their make-out sessions, and said that recently he had had to fake it. I think that is absolutely horrible, mean, and really rude. Like, if I ever found out a guy I had been dating was faking a make-out with me I would be appalled. So in the sequel, within the first chapter I think I’d have Walker take Devnee to Dolly’s or whatever, and just “be straight” with her by like, saying something like “Hey, I don’t really like you anymore….umm…I like someone else. Well, I don’t really like someone else, I am just attracted to her…Elaine…and I think it’s really wrong of me to be dating you when I’m attracted to someone else…” And just have him say something like that, and I would make Devnee be sad at first, then understanding.

Another thing I would make sure happened in the sequel would be something dramatic, like Nortie’s mom ending up in the hospital, or something more dramatic, and having that finally convinces her that she should no longer live with him. I think this would effect the book in two ways…ONE- it would add drama and action to the play and TWO- it would finally resolve the conflict Nortie’s has about worrying if his mother would be alright.

Lastly, one of the things I would make happen is to have Jeff die. I know it sounds cruel, but it need to happen eventually cause all the “I’m sick guys...” stuff is starting to wear on forever. I would make that happen because then they three living ones could do some more “STOTAN BONDING” and that would increase the emotional level the book has. I guess that was Kind of corny, but whatever, it would sell;)

P.S. Have you guys ever heard of Apocalyptica? Cause if you haven’t, you should check ‘em out, they’re a really good band…


D Kloke said...

I think that those things could happen if there was a sequel. I especially think that Walker would break up with Devnee and Jeff would die. Another thing that I would think would happen is that Walker and Nortie might go to the same college on swimming scholarships. They are both very talented and hard working. I also think that Nortie's mom might leave his dad and realize that she can't just live with all the things he does to her. Nice Blog!

Marisa said...

Yeah, I definatly think that Jeff will die. And I agree that Walker and Nortie would have a good chance of going on to the same college on swimming scholarships. I completly agree that their talented and hard working, and their both really, really devoted. And I know, I dont know how she can seriously stand to stay with him so long with all the horrible things he does to her ALL the time.