Monday, January 7, 2008


STOTAN!! Okay, this book was decent, I suppose. Honestly, at first it sucked. There wasn’t much action going on, and there wasn’t real interesting topics being presents until past page one hundred. I think that if I hadn’t been reading it for school, I would have given up on it. After page one hundred though, things kinda started getting more interesting. It wasn’t one of those “I never wanted to put it down” books, but it was still more exciting than a dictionary. One , well I suppose TWO, of the elements that were the most exciting in my opinion were things like Walker’s confusion between Elaine and Devnee, and also Nortie’s fathers abuse, and Nortie’s ‘family history’. I think that when they were at Lion’s house and Nortie told Walker, Jeff, and Lion about his dad during the “Stotan stories” it really showed all of them bonding and such. I personally thought that Jeff’s story was a little confusing at first (the one from where he is in the marines) but at the end it got better. I found that story quite ironic, especially towards the end when Jeff begins to slow his swimming, then eventually not being able to at all.

When Jeff eventually gets diagnosed with his “blood disease” I found it really strange that during the whole thing Crutcher never said the actual NAME of the disease. That actually kinda made me think that Crutcher just didn’t really want to do any research about blood diseases or something, and just made Jeff not want to talk about it or whatever. I think that if I got diagnosed with some strange “blood disease” or something like that that would make me become terminally ill, I would not tell my friends to stay away. I actually think that I would want to be surrounded at all times, especially like my boyfriend and best friends, but Jeff just kinda lets Coleen and his friends visit when he says instead of whenever. Like, if I knew I were dying in let’s say…two months, I think I’d do shit like ride roller coasters and spend all my money and do fun stuff.

Have any of you ever been close to death? I never really have been. I mean, when I was born I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and I guess (my parents said) I was purple and such and I wasn’t breathing, but I obviously started again. But in my family, both my brother and my dad almost died, which really sucked. My brother almost drowned at the Wisconsin Dells and my dad’s heart failed and had to have emergency surgery. I guess that doesn’t really have to do with Jeff’s Leukemia or whatever “blood disease” he has but I think that it has stuff to do with death. I can’t even remember how many funerals I’ve been to. I’ve cried at none of them, because I guess at first I wasn’t really sad. I felt bad that I couldn’t cry or whatever, but I think that the dead people would have wanted the people attending the funeral not to cry.

Now I’m just kind of rambling just because it really needs to fill space. Like I was saying though, I actually think its kinda a-hole-ish of Jeff to just say “hey, don’t come visit me.” Because obviously his friends want to see him before he dies, because if one of your friends just all the sudden died, you’d regret not being with them more…..and I think Jeff needs to realize that.


macncheese said...

That was a very thourough summary of this book, it gave a very good overall picture of the main events of the story. Some parts of the story were soo sad I almost cried. Did you connect with the story at all because I sure didn't, i really didn't like this book, Did you?

Marisa said...

No, I didn't like this book very much. Haha, I cant tell if you were serious about the crying part, but Im assuming you weren't, and I was just kinda rambling to fill space;) An no, I dont feel that I connected to this book AT ALL. And thanks for saying it gave an overall suymmary of the book:) I really think this book was not good at all, and it was definatly a drama overload, dont you think?

Unknown said...

Then blood disease actually was leukemia and it said it right there in black and white